Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Some people believe it is okay to produce children by cloning them. They also say "cloning to produce children might serve several purposes." I completely disagree with this statement. children are to young to be used as experimental items. Kids are supposed to be born natural and not from science. Even if the man and woman are having trouble having a kid they should not volunteer for someone to make them a baby. Imagine growing up know you were a test tube baby.What if she started getting really sick do the experiment. or even if her friends knew about how she came in this world I'm sure they would not understand and that may be hard for her.

Another article states how they cloned a prize winning cow so they can have another wining cow. By dong this they think they are helping the community with dairy products. But how do we know this is healthy for us even if they prove it. I am saying this because milk comes from cow...NOT some cloned cow and who even knows what this could actually cause to our body's.

The same article also talks about cloning race horses for beneficially uses. That is not right, how can someone clone a horse to use it just for greed. So they will always have the "best" horse out there.